Acupuncture is safe, effective and drug-free. This means you can get the help you need without risk to you or your baby.
Common conditions include pelvic girdle pain, back or hip pain, fatigue, migraines, nausea, depression, anxiety, oedema and high or low blood pressure.
Pre-Birth Preparation Programme (From 36 weeks)Highly recommended. This programme is proven to significantly reduce medical intervention rates. Acupuncture works to prime your body for labour, boost stamina and help you feel relaxed and recharged.
OverdueAcupuncture is a well-known method for naturally inducing labour. The point formula has been used for thousands of years and is still used in modern hospitals throughout Europe.
BreechMoxabustion - a therapeutic technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine is shown to turn breech babies in 75% of cases in women at 36 weeks gestation. Just one treatment session is all that is required, followed by 10 days of self-administered treatment at home.
I also deliver Acupressure Workshops for pregnant women and their birth partners to help you have a beautiful birth experience.
"I can highly recommend Jo's approach. Jo was by my side providing pain relief in the form of acupressure when I had my second child at home. As a result she arrived within 4 hours and I didn't require any other pain relief!" Anna Fretwell